
Russell Fork BADDLUN 2008 results

The racers took off at noon and endured steep hills, big water, rocky trails and a Hollywood ending to put the 2008 BADDLUN in the books. Extra special thanks to Steve Ruth and the Elkhorn City Crew who got involved and helped make things happen, the Elkhorn City Heritage Counsel who fed us My Old Kentucky Homestyle that night and the fools that showed up in a desperate attempt to have some fun.

Best thing about the BADDLUN is that anyone could go out on any day the Russell Fork is running and do the course with just a little planning and an easy shuttle. Congratulations go to Adam Herzog for setting the first and current course record of 2 hours and 32 minutes.

Steve's pics are here...

Russell Fork BADDLUN 2008 Results:

1 - Adam Herzog - 2:32
2 - Brian Menzies - 2:36
3 - Gareth Tate - 2:38
4 - Paul Stamilio - 2:43
5 - Toby MacDermott - 2:48
6 - Brian Mattingly - 2:58
7 - Clay Warren - 3:25
8 - Will Stubblefield - 3:28
9 - Jason Dillow - 3:30
10 - David Clark - 3:48

***Matt Walker - DNF mechanical (3 g'damn flats!)
***Charles King - DNF logistics (missed g'dam turn!)

1 comment:

Bmenz said...

Thanks to all who provided such a great grulling quad-sport race. One of the toughest around! I have already started training for next year. Hope to see more join us next year, Bmenz